Modern Hotel Bedroom Interior

Hospitality Media ​automation

"Elevate your excellent guest exprerience and bring your hotel to ​the next level."

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About Us

Hospitality Media Automation is a technology agency that owns a bot system called Autoguest 5.0, which functions to automate communication between hotels and guests through digital media. With exceptional 24/7 service, inaccessible by regular customer service, the presence of hospitality media automation will facilitate hotels in enhancing customer service efficiency, providing quick responses to guest inquiries, personalizing interactions, and increasing guest loyalty."

Pop Up Chat Box Silhouette

Hello ! i am Autoguest bot !how can ​i help you ?

3D Say Hi Robot Illustration
Drop Shadow

Autoguest Bot 5.0


Courtyard Marriott hotel Pattaya Thailand, Classic modern Lobby of hotel

How hospitality media automation work

The Autoguest Bot is specifically designed to assist the hospitality industry in enhancing ​relationships with hotel guests. Here are several points on how the Autoguest Bot ​operates:"

Detail Icon

Penyediaan Informasi ​yang Detail

Customer Service Glyph Icon

R​espon Cepat 24/7

Follow Up Interview Icon

P​ersonalisasi Interaksi

to do list icon

Au​to follow up


Watch video

Chat Bot Chat with AI or Artificial Intelligence technology. Woman using a laptop computer chatting with an intelligent artificial intelligence asks for the answers he wants.
Chat Bot Chat with AI or Artificial Intelligence technology. Woman using a laptop computer chatting with an intelligent artificial intelligence asks for the answers he wants.
Chat Bot Chat with AI or Artificial Intelligence technology. Woman using a laptop computer chatting with an intelligent artificial intelligence asks for the answers he wants.
Video Play Icon
Video Play Icon

Nonton video

Benefit menggunakan ​Autoguest Bot

Bar graph

Menambah ​pendapatan hotel

Dengan respon cepat terhadap pertanyaan ​dan permintaan tamu, AutoGuest membantu ​mengkonversi prospek menjadi reservasi ​yang sebenarnya. Selain itu, dengan ​menyediakan informasi yang relevan tentang ​paket promosi atau penawaran khusus, ​AutoGuest dapat mendorong tamu untuk ​melakukan pembelian tambahan atau ​melakukan upgrade kamar.

Save Time and Money Outline Icon

Effesien dan ​mengemat ​pengeluaran lain

AutoGuest membantu hotel dalam ​meningkatkan efisiensi operasional dengan ​mengotomatisasi sebagian besar interaksi ​dengan tamu. Ini mengurangi waktu dan ​tenaga yang dibutuhkan oleh staf untuk ​merespon pertanyaan rutin atau umum, ​membebaskan mereka untuk fokus pada ​tugas-tugas yang membutuhkan keahlian ​manusia.

chat gradient icon

Meningkatkan ​ kepuasan tamu

Dengan layanan automasi yang efisien dan ​responsif, hotel dapat memberikan ​pengalaman tamu yang lebih baik. Tamu ​yang puas cenderung kembali dan ​merekomendasikan hotel kepada orang lain

Wide recolorable gradient
Orange Blur Circle Illustration

saatnya beralih

kepada automasi ​pelayanan tamu ​aNda

hubungi kamI​

free ​consultation


Ceo of hospitality media automation

lets talk about

  • menganalisa kebutuhan automasi sistem terhadap hotel anda
  • penjelasan lebih detail tentang layanan Hospitality media automation
  • bagaimana Autoguest bisa diterapkan di hotel anda

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